Filaret: I will be patriarch to the day I die

07 December 2018 23:30
Leadr of the UOC KP Filaret Denisenko Leadr of the UOC KP Filaret Denisenko

"Patriarch" Filaret said that in 1995 there was his "patriarchal enthronement" and no one would take "the grace of the patriarchate" away from him.

The “Primate” of the UOC KP “Patriarch” Filaret Denisenko refuted the rumors that he would not put forward his candidacy at the “unification council” during the election of the head of the Single Local Church, UNIAN reported.

“Moscow is doing all this, but through our Ukrainian minions. It is rumored that the patriarch will resign and will not run for the post. It is not true. I will be the patriarch to death because in 1995 my enthronement took place. And no one will remove this grace,” said Denisenko.

In his opinion, 40 “bishops” of the UOC KP, 12 “bishops” of the UACP and 3 or 4 representatives of the “UOC of the Moscow Patriarchate” will take part in the “unification council”.

Denisenko hopes that the “unification of the churches”, the election of the “primate” and the approval of the “charter” for the new religious structure will change the situation in Ukraine for the better.

Therefore, the head of the UOC KP plans to strictly weed out everything he considers "unprofitable" for Ukraine.

“We will not accept the worst. And we will reject everything unless it can benefit us,” said the“ patriarch ”of the UOC KP.

Recall, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko announced that the “Unification Council” would be held on December 15, 2018.

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