Right Sector disseminates a pro-SLC special edition

03 May 2018 14:37
Fighters of the Right Sector Fighters of the Right Sector

In the cities of Ukraine there began a mass distribution of the special edition of the “Right Sector" newspaper, dedicated to the ecclesiastical issue.

Radicals report that Ukraine needs unity like never before, therefore, one should do their best ”to get rid of the Moscow Church”.

The newspaper cites their customary formulas "KGB = FSB = ROC", and also reports that there is "Ukrainian Christianity" being now threatened by Moscow.

At the end of the special edition, an instruction is published on the "correct agitation" and "legally literate" transition of the UOC communities to the Kyiv Patriarchate. The authors note that it is better not to create new communities in the villages, because then there are problems with the temples. The best option is re-registration.

A surge of anti-church activity by nationalists may have to do with the ideas of the power to create the SLC.

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