Viatrovich wants to make all Ukrainians celebrate Catholic Christmas

15 April 2017 15:19
Viatrovich wants to make all Ukrainians celebrate Catholic Christmas
The Ukrainian Institute of National Memory has published an updated version of the "ordered" calendar of public holidays and memorable days. The proposals of the Institute are submitted to the Parliament, reports the UINM website.

"During a month, 672 applications from citizens of Ukraine, public associations, party and trade union organizations, state institutions were received. Based on the results of the discussion, taking into account the expressed proposals, it was decided to prepare a new version of this draft law. The document is supplemented by a new category – "International Days", which includes among others 8 March – Women's Rights Day (the day will be a holiday, but not a day off) and 1 May – Labor Day (a day off)," says the message.

As reported, the Institute "listened to the wishes of the public" and included in the draft a traditional holiday - the Day of the Holy Trinity. The second day following Easter and Trinity (Monday) remains a day off.

A non-working holiday is suggested not to be granted on Monday, if it falls on a day off (except Christmas, 7 January).

The Institute also suggests to celebrate Christmas on 25 December (not a day off) by the Julian calendar as a traditional holiday.

Specialists of the Institute state that the new edition was the result of discussions in a professional expert environment and was prepared, in particular, with the participation of experts of the Reanimation package of reforms and other public organizations.

The Institute prepared a new version of the draft Law of Ukraine "On state and other holidays, memorable dates and mournful days" and the corresponding package of documents.

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