Ukrainian Orthodox Church is most widespread, – survey

23 November 2016 11:35
Ukrainian Orthodox Church is most widespread, – survey
The survey "Religious life of Ukraine (September 2016)" conducted on 23 November by the company "Ukrainian Sociology Service" shows that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church confirmed its status as the largest denomination of the country 39% of believers are its members.

As a UOC correspondent reports, 70% of Ukrainians call themselves believers. However, only 67% of them can define the denomination. The lowest level of religiosity is in Kiev and central regions of Ukraine – 51%. Even in the Donbass and in the Crimea it is higher.

But the level of confessional identity in Ukraine over the past five years has increased significantly. The UOC is followed by the Kyiv Patriarchate (25%) and the UGCC (21%).

Despite regular discussions in the political circles of the need for the One Local Church, citizens of Ukraine, including believers believers are insufficiently involved in this process: 45-50% is undecided on the question of its creation. The following two approaches enjoy the greatest support in this issue:
1. The establishment of the Local Church by the faithful and clergy without interference of the authorities (36%).
2. The One Church in Ukraine is not needed, as it will restrict the rights of believers to freely choose a denomination (32%).

The All-Ukrainian Cross Procession on the initiative of his Beatitude Onufriy, which took place in July 2016, caused significant political opposition in political circles. But among the citizens of Ukraine such opposition is not observed. 27% supported it, 29% felt indifference about it and 28% was undecided on their attitude. It was opposed by only by 16% of Ukrainians.

The survey was conducted from 3 to 17 September. A total of 2001 respondents were interviewed in all regions of Ukraine, including the Crimea, Sevastopol and separate districts of the Donbass that are not controlled by the government.
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