YouTube viewers about video on “correct” X-mas date: Incitement to hatred

17 December 2021 21:58
"Drunk and ignorant": this is how the authors of the video present people celebrating Christmas on January 7. Photo: a screenshot of the video on the YouTube channel "Bohdan Pankevich BLOG".

The video about the celebration of the Nativity of Christ on December 25 as a "vaccine against the Russian world" is called shame and provocation in the comments.

The video on the YouTube channel "Bohdan Pankevich BLOG", in which Ukrainians are told that the "correct" Christmas is December 25 as this will be a "vaccine against the Russian world", is nothing but incitement to hatred, according to the viewers. It was made by a Lviv resident, Sviatoslav Litinsky, known for his rejection of the Russian language. Bohdan Pankevich, an ideologist and one of the founders of the Ukrainian Galician Party, starred in the role of an elderly man, who explains to two Russian-speaking tourists in Lviv, who are looking for a drink on January 2, that Christmas has already been celebrated here.

“A disgusting video. Shameful, one might say,” wrote Tatyana Kuznetsova in the comments to the video.

Sergey Misik notes that the video is cheap propaganda, and that "even in the Soviet Union, there was nothing of the kind".

“Shame on the provocateurs. How sick it is of such pseudo-patriots who divide the people. Do you also have a vaccine against the "Western world"? wrote Yarik Bul_yas.

Elena Derus said that her family celebrates Christmas twice, as her husband is a Catholic from Western Ukraine, and she is Orthodox from Kharkiv. “Never in our life have we opposed these dates to each other. On the contrary, we celebrate both in a cheerfully and friendly way every year. Those who sow hatred are far from Christ and his commandments,” Elena said.

Constantine calls this video a distortion of the meaning of the great holiday of the Nativity of Christ the Saviour. “It is surprising that the author of this material learns history poorly and studies little of modernity,” he wrote and suggested that attention should be paid to the fact that the first Church in Jerusalem celebrates Christmas on January 7.

Commentator from Poland Jakób Krzysztofowicz Piątkowski writes that December 25 is marked by many Churches that existed even when “toads croaked in Moscow”. He supports the authors of the video and hopes that by 2030 the majority of Ukrainians will have switched to a new calendar style.

Sergei Leonov asks the question by what calendar the authors of the video plan to celebrate Easter. “Will there be a video with drunk non-Galicians regarding Gregorian Easter? Gentlemen, we demand a video!" he wrote.

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