Pochaiv Lavra promises to address remarks of Ministry of Culture commission

The Pochaiv Lavra will check the safety of icons, iconostases and other property of the monastery.
The spokesperson for the Holy Dormition Pochaiv Lavra of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church said that they do not prevent the Commission of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine to conduct an inspection of the monastery to examine the state of storage of immovable property of the reserve, reports Suspilne.
"We facilitate the work. And then, whatever conclusions they come to... If they find any deficiencies or remarks, we will address them," noted the monastery's press secretary, Archimandrite Gabriel.
It is reported that the commission will finish the inspection at the end of June and then will publish its comments on the preservation of monuments in the Pochaiv Lavra.
The head of the Commission of the Ministry of Culture said that officials will inspect and inventory not only immovable objects.
"We are interested in preserving not only the structures themselves, but also the condition of icons, iconostases, everything that is a component of each monument. It has its own detailed description. We are interested in the condition of the complex grounds, the oldest part of the Lavra. It is inseparably connected with those objects that we have to inspect. We will also check compliance with fire safety", said Olga Rutkovska.
As reported, on 5 June 2024, the commission of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine began an inspection of the Holy Dormition Pochaiv Lavra of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.