Reznikov explains appearance of clauses on UOC name in the law on Donbass

03 February 2021 21:27
Alexey Reznikov. Photo: Alexey Reznikov. Photo:

According to A. Reznikov, the state policy of the transitional period in the deoccupied territories of Donbass and in Crimea cannot contradict the Constitution.

Vice Prime Minister, Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine Aleksey Reznikov, explained why norms on renaming the Church were included in the draft law "On State Policy for the Transition Period". He spoke about this in an interview with, published on Wednesday, February 3.

According to the official, the state policy of the transitional period cannot and should not contradict the Constitution of Ukraine, and "when we end this war and de-occupy our territories, restore our borders, the Ukrainian constitutional field will also be resumed there."

“We believe that all religious communities should fall under the regulation of Ukrainian law,” said Reznikov, answering a question about the requirement in the draft law for the UOC to change its name. “It should be unified for everyone. If you do not accept Ukrainian jurisdiction, then you will need to indicate who your immediate supervisor is. Just honestly, for a comfortable and safe existence, tell me who your boss is."

At the same time, the Deputy Prime Minister explained, “our task is to ensure that no one is infringed upon in their right to freedom of religion. This right is guaranteed by our Constitution. It is your right to go to whatever temple, mosque, synagogue."

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that in the draft law on the state policy of the transitional period in the de-occupied territories of Donbass and in Crimea, the norms of the scandalous law on the forced renaming of the Church were duplicated, which is currently being considered by the Constitutional Court.

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