Hierarch of the Church of Czech Lands leads worship in Goscha monastery

05 June 2019 14:19
Archbishop Michael of Prague led the divine service in the Goscha monastery. Photo: Rovno Eparchy Archbishop Michael of Prague led the divine service in the Goscha monastery. Photo: Rovno Eparchy

Archbishop Michael of Prague thanked the hierarchs and the clergy of the UOC for joint divine services on the day of Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helena.

On June 3, 2019, on the day of veneration of the Vladimir Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and the Day of Remembrance of Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helena, a festive hierarchal liturgy was held in the Holy Protection Goscha Convent. It is reported by the press service of the Rovno Eparchy.

The service was performed by the guest of the Rovno eparchy, Archbishop Michael (Dandar) of Prague and Czech Lands.

Besides, Metropolitan Bartholomew of Rovno and Ostrog, Archbishop Alexander of Gorodnitsa and Bishop Pimen of Dubno, a vicar of the Rovno eparchy, concelebrated with the Czech hierarch. The clergy and the priests of the monastery attended the festivity.

Archbishop Michael performed a priestly ordination of deacon Vitaly Yashchuk.

In conclusion, Vladyka Michael congratulated Mother Superior Abbess Irina (Sachuk) and all those present on Easter days and thanked for the opportunity to pray together.

As the UOJ reported, earlier Archbishop Michael (Dandar) of Prague and the Czech Lands issued a decree "On the Permission to Serve the Holy Liturgy with the Clergy of Foreign Dioceses", which clearly defined the OCU as a non-canonical structure with which "neither the ministry nor access to the Holy Communion can occur in the land of the Prague Orthodox Diocese".

Also, on May 30, 2019, on the holiday of Mezhirich Icon of the Mother of God “Life-Giver”, Archbishop Michael (Dandar) of Prague and Czech Lands, with the blessing of Metropolitan Bartholomew (Vashchuk) of Rovno and Ostrog, celebrated the Divine Liturgy at the Holy Trinity Monastery in Mezhirich.

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